Statistical and probability models: Calculate central tendencies and dispersion of data

Subject outcome 4.1
Calculate central tendencies and dispersion of data.

Learning outcomes
- Calculate central tendency of ungrouped data namely the mean, median and mode.
- Calculate measures of dispersion including range, percentiles, quartiles, inter-quartile range and semi-inter-quartile range.

Unit 1: Data collection
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Define the types of data.
- Differentiate between grouped and ungrouped data.
- Create an ungrouped data frequency distribution and understand when to use it.
- Collect, organise and interpret univariate numerical data.

Unit 2: Measures of central tendency of ungrouped data
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Differentiate between the mean, median and mode.
- Calculate the mean, median and mode for ungrouped data.

Unit 3: Measures of dispersion of ungrouped data
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Calculate the range, inter-quartile range and semi-inter-quartile range.
- Calculate percentiles and quartiles.