Statistical and probability models: Represent data effectively

Subject outcome 4.2
Represent data effectively.

Learning outcomes
- Represent data effectively, choosing appropriately from:
- Construction of frequency distribution/tally chart
- Bar and compound bar graphs
- Construction of the stem and leaf plot
- Histograms (grouped data)
- Frequency polygons
- Pie charts
- Line and broken line graphs.

Unit 1: Data representation
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Construct a frequency distribution/tally chart.
- Construct a stem and leaf plot.
- Construct a pie chart.

Unit 2: Bar graphs and histograms
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Construct a bar graph.
- Construct a compound bar graph.
- Construct a histogram.

Unit 3: Frequency polygons and line graphs
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Calculate measures of central tendency and percentiles on grouped data.
- Construct a frequency polygon.
- Construct a line graph.